Registered Acupuncture

Private Acupuncture 

Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to restore balance, increase vitality, and to reduce or relieve pain. Tiny stainless steel needles are placed into energy points, ("acupoints") that work to increase the flow of energy through the body. Acupuncture is an effective treatment for  frozen shoulder, sciatica, lymphatic drainage, addictions, depression, anxiety, insomnia, fertility and more.  Private acupuncture is ideal for those wishing to relax in total privacy with a longer treatment time. This treatment also allows for needles in the back of the body as one can lie face down.    

Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture is also available. Find out more information about this style of treatment here.

Community Acupuncture also available- Patients receive care in a group setting while they rest comfortably in their chairs. Clients can be treated quickly if need be, and costs can be kept low on a sliding scale.
Click here for more info.


You may also add on a cupping or gua sha treatment to your acupuncture session (approx. 20 minutes), and some of our acupuncturists also have the option to add on a Tui Na Massage (approx. 30 mins).

  • Cupping is an excellent technique to draw out toxins from deep within the body. It is a non-invasive, therapeutic and deeply relaxing treatment, during which the practitioner takes a small glass cup and ignites a small flame inside the cup, creating a vacuum. The cup is then quickly applied to the body (this is a warm and soothing touch to the skin), drawing the skin up a few millimeters into the cup and then moved around for the ultimate massage. Perfectly round marks are common following treatment and usually go away after a week or two.

  • In TCM, gua sha is known as “scraping”. This fusion of gua sha and gentle massage incorporates a smooth “jade stick” (Gua Sha) tool shaped like a shoehorn to quickly stroke and massage the skin. This therapy is also deeply relaxing and can add to the pressure being used. With repeated pressured strokes, this ‘scraping’ technique will raise (sha) to remove blood stagnation and promote normal circulation. Scraping will cause the appearance of rosy skin and in rare cases small red ‘petechiae’ called 'sha', that will fade in 2 to 3 days. As jade stone naturally emits infrared rays, this therapy generates internal warmth which supports molecule activation in living tissues, promotes cell rejuvenation and anti-aging in the skin. Awaken the cells with this detoxifying treatment.

Acupuncture- Private Table

First Visit, approx 75 min - $125
Follow-up, approx 60 mins - $105

Power Facial Cosmetic Acupuncture

Appointments and facial rejuvenation appointments are also available: Sessions are approximately 45 min (in chair), $65.